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Bind And Tie Initiation Kit (CNVEF-EDJ-2404-15-3)
Rope is the original bondage and restraint tool, and finding the right ropes for the job is essential for safe, pleasurable play. This complete kit from the Kink by Doc Johnson collection includes everything needed for safe and thrilling rope bondage. Three bundles of our Hog tied Bind and Tie Hemp Bondage Rope, a strong, natural hemp rope in a 6mm e or approximately .23 inch width ideal for most types of rigging in two lengths of 30 feet and one length of 50 feet provide plenty of options for your kinky restraint play. The Bind and Tie Initiation Kit also includes a set of black EMT scissors for safe, fast emergency removal of your ropes, and a black drawstring backpack for discreet storage or taking to play parties and demos. Free access to rope play instructional videos on Kink.com with purchase!

Features three machine washable bundles of expertly crafted 100% Natural Hemp Rope suitable for Shibari and other rope play. Soft, sturdy .23 inch weave reinforced stitched ends prevent unraveling premium three strand twisted design. Black EMT scissors for safe emergency removal. Black drawstring backpack for travel and storage. Includes access to Kink Rope Play tutorials. Dimensions 110 feet of rope (two 30 feet ropes, one 50 feet rope).

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